Our week inHawkstone

⭐️ Our values champion this half term is Harry. ⭐️

He has settled well into KS2 with a positive attitude to learning. He is helpful in and out of the classroom and a delight to have in Hawkstone. Well done Harry- superstar.

Please meet Hawkstone librarians- Valeria and Isla.
Duties include: monitoring the book areas in Year 3/4. Recommending books to other children, talking about authors and listening to readers and simply sharing their love of reading with others.

For our outdoor Pe sessions, we have been focusing our skills towards tag rugby.  But when it rains, we don’t let this ruin our fun, indoor tag rugby still takes place.

We have set a whole kS 2 reading river home work project where children have been asked to collect and compete a river journey of their reading over half term. See image for examples. Any questions please message through dojo.

We have a number of children in year 6 who spend 3 mornings a week listening to children read for our ‘reading expect buddies scheme’. Here is Anwen and Jack, who read together and compete any Accelerated Reader quizzes.


In PSHE, we focused our learning this week on fire and bonfire safety, we discussed how to keep safe with sparkles and around bonfires 🔥. Hope you all have a lovely and safe half term.

REMINDER- Monday is Pd day, therefore children return to school on Tuesday 7th November.