We are proud of you all!

Myself, Mrs Rowley, Miss Kerr and Miss Salter are so proud of you all for the effort and dedication you have put in this week.  We have seen so much wonderful work and lots of creativity in the afternoon sessions.

We have been holding daily zooms for English and Maths (for anyone who may need extra support) so well done to everyone who has managed to log into the sessions, if you are having any difficulties please let me know. If you feel your child would benefit from any of the zooms, please send a message through Dojo or the class email.

WEEK BEGINNING 18TH JAN 2021 (zoom invites will be send out the night before).

ZOOM – timetable:

Monday:  ENGLISH – Whole class zoom – 9:30am,  MATHS – Small group zoom 11, READING 11-12  – individual or small groups

Tuesday:  ENGLISH – Whole class zoom – 9:30am,  MATHS – Small group zoom 11, READING 11-12  – individual or small groups

Wednesday:  ENGLISH – Whole class zoom – 9:30am,  MATHS – Small group zoom 11, READING 11-12  – individual or small groups

Thursday:  ENGLISH  – Whole class zoom – 9:30am,  MATHS – Small group zoom 11, READING 11-12  – individual or small groups

Friday:  ENGLISH – Whole class zoom – 9:30am,  MATHS – Small group zoom 11, READING 11-12  – individual or small groups

We are proud of you all and please continue the effort and dedication next week and send any work through Dojo or the class email: Hawkstone@holytrinitycepa.co.uk

Miss Hutson and Mrs Rowley are back in class next week so daily zooms will be held by Miss Kerr, Miss Salter or Mrs Rowley. If you do need a zoom with myself please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Remember you are not in this alone! Keep positive and we will see you soon.

Miss Hutson and Mrs Rowley.

Miss Kerr and Miss Salter