Welcome back Hawkstone Class

Welcome back Hawkstone Class!

Miss Salter and I have been very impressed at how enthusiastically the Year 4 and Year 5 children in Hawkstone class have returned to school. Everybody is excited to be here and ready to learn. It is so lovely to have all of them back in school.

All of the children have adapted quickly to the new classroom layout and routines and are all remembering to wash and hand gel their hands regularly throughout the day so well done all.

Please can I remind parents that every child should have a labelled water bottle in school every day. They will be given regular opportunities to re-fill their water bottles throughout the day. It is especially important with the lovely weather we have had recently.

Our P.E. day is Tuesday so all children need to wear sensible clothing and footwear for an outdoor PE lesson when they come to school on a Tuesday. We are not getting changed for PE so come ready for a sporty day every Tuesday morning.

Homework will be set every Friday. We will be sending home spellings, times tables and a reading book. Children need to read and write in their reading records at least four times a week. Some children will also have handwriting homework to complete. Please can the homework books and reading records be back in school every Friday for books to be changed and new homework to be set.

Our Topic this half term is Stargazers and we have made a super start to the topic with some amazing artwork and a virtual trip to space to explore the eight planets and their sizes in comparison to each other. All children have thoroughly enjoyed diving into our space theme and we are looking forward to reading more of our class text ‘Cosmic’ by Frank Cotrell-Boyce.

Thank you for all of your support.

Mrs Holmes