Welcome to Hawkstone Class

Hello everyone – I just wanted to say what a wonderful first few days back! It’s been lovely to hear about everyone’s summer and I’m really impressed with how well everyone has settled in.

In our first few days back we’ve come up with some class rules, had a game of rounders, elected 2 school councillors and a worship ambassador.

Just to let everyone know, our PE days are Thursday and Friday but more information about subjects will be sent out next week.

All children have come home with a TTRS and a Dojo letter – any difficulties logging on please let me know.
We will be handing out reading books and records and spelling as of Monday. We are also encouraging a love of reading  therefore, if you have a reading book at home you child would like to read during our reading for pleasure sessions, please bring it in Wednesday and Friday, this can be anything from magazines, fiction or not fiction books.

As a school we would like to develop our ‘Garden of Hope’. Each class has had an opportunity to create a tranquil garden where they can spend time reading, reflecting and taking in the ‘wows’ of the world. In time we will be asking for volunteers to help develop this area- (more to come TBC).

Well done to Elsie and Grace would were elected to be Hawkstone’s school councillors.
And Abi our worship ambassador.