Year 4 Maths and English

Maths – Learn how to find the area of a shape by counting the squares within it.


If you have squared paper this might be easier than using plain paper.

English-  To improve writing using proof reading skills.

Proofreading is the process of looking through your work, finding mistakes and correcting them. It’s a very important part of the writing process.

Most authors, even famous ones, check and rewrite their stories many times before they are happy to let someone else read them.

Watch this short clip to learn more about proofreading.

Top proofreading tips

  • Once your story is finished, read it to yourself.

  • Pretend that someone else wrote the story, see how well you think the story is written and then rewrite it to make it better.

  • Use conjunctions to make your sentences flow and make sense.

  • Double-check your facts.

  • Look out for spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes.

  • Look for words or sentences that you can make better by choosing different vocabulary, adding description or adding adverbs.

I have added an adverb song to remind and help you.