Year 4 Maths and English

Maths – Learn and practise finding equivalent fractions.

Equivalent fractions are two or more fractions that have the same value, even though they have different numerators and denominators. Equivalent means equal.

Equivalent fractions are important because they help you to:

  • simplify and compare fractions.

  • add and subtract fractions.

  • share things equally between people, like pizza and sweets.

English – To add extra information to a sentence using subordinating conjunctions.

conjunction is a word, or words, used to connect two clauses (parts of a sentence) together.

Subordinating conjunctions help to add the extra information that tells us when, why or where something happens.

For example: Laura smiled because dancing was fun!

  • ‘Laura smiled’ is the main clause. It makes sense all on it’s own.

  • ‘Because dancing was fun’ is the subordinate clause. It adds additional information to the main clause and wouldn’t make sense on its own.

  • ‘Because’ is the subordinating conjunction. It helps to add the extra information to explain why Laura was smiling.