Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) at Holy Trinity

At Holy Trinity C of E Primary Academy & Nursery, we seek to provide a supportive learning environment for all children. We strive to offer a curriculum that recognises the needs of every child, supports self-esteem provides opportunities to fulfil personal potential and offers hope. Should a child need additional support, this could be provided either by the child’s own teacher, a class support assistant working under the direction of the class teacher or our Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo) Miss B Scoltock. We work closely with a range of outside agencies who are able to offer support and advice where appropriate.
Our strengths

This is what Ofsted said about SEND provision at Holy Trinity during our last inspection:

‘Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are fully included in all lessons. Teachers and teaching assistants adapt pupils’ work when required. Staff plan and deliver focused one-to-one and group activities that supports pupils’ individual needs well. These sessions are closely monitored and are having a positive effect on pupils’ learning. Consequently, pupils with SEND achieve well.’

Ofsted 2020

Who we have to help

Miss B Scoltock has successfully achieved the National Award for SEND Co-ordination and has taken on the role of SENDCo.  She teaches in Year 5 and is the Lead Teacher for Mental Health.  Miss Scoltock is also our PSHE Co-ordinator.

Miss M Wright is Assistant Principal. Miss M Wright completed her National Award for SEND Co-ordination in 2017 gaining a Distinction. She is the Senior Mental Health Lead.

Mr R Kenyon is our Head of School and works closely with Mrs Hopley to lead and monitor progress of all children throughout school.

Mrs L Hopley is our Executive Principal. Mrs Hopley is an experienced Principal who works closely with Mr Kenyon to strategically lead and monitor progress of all children throughout school.

Class teachers are every child’s first educators and are responsible for the progress of all children within their class.

Teaching Assistants offer support with learning during whole class teaching as well as with small group or individual targeted work. A number of our teaching assistants have particular qualifications in specific areas of Special Needs.

Parents are vital in supporting children’s learning. We encourage all parents to regularly support learning at home and attend all review meetings to discuss the provision in place for their child and the progress being made. Through strong partnership working decisions can be made jointly to ensure children make the best possible progress.


Update regarding accessing Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Beam and Ludlow Beam


We now have a simplified process for accessing support!


Parents/carers and Young People can request support via our new registration system at

Scroll down the page, click ‘register with us’ and complete the online form.   If more support is required from those already registered with the service, then a shortened form will ask for basic details via the same link.

Click on the links below for more information:

Please note that our SEND policy and SEND information report are both contained within the same document (see below)

Accessibility plan


SEND Overview Report AY 2022-2023

Broad areas of need as described in the SEND Code of Practice

SEND Shropshire Local offer

SEND Local offer Facebook page

Resources for children with Dyslexia

Admission Arrangements- for pupils with disabilities

School admissions code 2021 (