Early Years

Welcome to our Early Years

At Holy Trinity Primary Academy and Nursery our practice is underpinned by our core Christian values. Our motto ‘Hope for ourselves, others and the world’ underpins our vision in EYFS at Holy Trinity.

On this page you will find links to documents which explain our EYFS curriculum in more detail. At Holy Trinity we have developed a sequential and progressive curriculum designed to meet the needs of the children within the Academy.

Here is more information about how we learn in Early Years at Holy Trinity:

How we learn

Below is an overview of our curriculum in EYFS:


LTP Nursery Comm and interaction

LTP Nursery EAD

LTP Nursery Literacy

LTP Nursery Maths

LTP Nursery PD

LTP Nursery PSED

LTP Nursery UTW







Reception Expressive-Arts-and-Design-Long-Term-Plan


The long term plan is adjusted to meet the unique needs of each cohort and then adjusted  on a termly basis.


Shorter term planning allows further precision in building on what each child knows and can do as they move towards the longer term aims in the curriculum.



To find out more about our approach to teaching Phonics, please look at the reading section of our website under the ‘Learning’ tab. Here you will find information  help you understand how phonics is taught and a range of resources and videos which may be used to support your child with their phonics at home.


Follow the link for parent information about the Reception baseline assessment (RBA)
