Let’s celebrate together!

Celebrating Achievement
We love nothing more than celebrating the achievements of the children, whether inside school or out. We also like to celebrate the adults in our community who go above and beyond.

Celebration Assembly
Every week one child is picked from each class for exceptional effort or achievement or for being a good role model in class. Their parents and careers are invited to the Friday morning assembly to see their child receive a special certificate. Every half term each class selects a child who has displayed our School Values throughout their work, classroom behaviour, or all-round attitude.

Week beg 19th June 2023

Week beg 12th June 2023

Week beg 5th June 2023

Week beginning 19th May

value champions:

A huge well done to Charlotte who ran the London marathon, not only this, she donated a huge Easter egg to the school to use the chocolate for a cake sale in school to support the Hope House. Well done

Values champions:

Week beginning 15th May 2023

A huge we,, doe  to Thomas for raising over £400 for charity, he swam over 2.5k miles. Well done

Week beginning 8th May 2023

Week beginning 17th April 2023

Week of 20th March 2023

Week of 6th March 2023

Stars of the week:


Out of school – karate red belt:

Oswestry music (MOB):

Week of 13th January 2023






Week of 6th January 2023



Week of: 30th January 2023

Our stars of the week:

Well done to George for reading over half a million words, Demi for her swimming and Elsie for her gymnastics



Week of: 23rd January 2023

A huge thank you to St John’s Ambulance who visited the school  today to inform children from EYFS to Year 6 about first aid

Also a huge thank you to The Dogs Trust who were able to spend time in each class supporting children to care for animals and how to keep safe.

Well done Scarlett, our Star of the Week for Long Mynd for her excellent efforts in presentation and handwriting across all subjects and her kindness to others.

Well done Leo – Star of the week from Hawkstone – for his positive attitude to school in the morning and completing all starters set when entering class.

week of: 16th January 2023

Well done Alfie  – Star of the week from Ercall –  for his maturity in adult feedback and for using this to move his learning forward.

Well done Amelia from Hawkstone – fantastic writing where you have included many grammatical features.