Welcome to our Class

Welcome to Haughmond Class, our class is named after Haughmond Hill which is situated in Shropshire. We are a Y6 class and our teacher is Miss Scoltock. Our teaching assistant is Miss Richards. In Haughmond we work as a team to achieve our best and advocate hard work. Hard work = success!

Class Rules and Weekly Timetable

In the first week of the Autumn Timetable we worked together to create a class charter;

Our Class Rules:

We want our class to be fair and happy place, so we promise to…

  • Follow instructions first time, every time
  • Take care of each other
  • Concentrate and listen to all adults
  • Keep the classroom tidy and organised
  • Be kind and friendly
  • Be persistent
  • Do our best
  • Respect ourselves and others
  • Be patient
  • Be happy and have fun!

We are using Class Dojo where the children work towards getting points which will be rewarded weekly.

Haughmond’s PE lessons are on Wednesday and Friday. Your child needs full P.E. kit in school every day of the week in-case of last minute changes to the time table.

Links to Online Resources

Each child in Haughmond should have a Mathletics login stuck in the back of their Reading Records to practise their mental maths skills at home. The children also have logins for Sats Bootcamp, Read Theory and Purple Mash in the back of their Reading Records.

Here are some useful links to online resources:





Curriculum Planning