Friday 17th July English Home Learning

Good morning Lawley and Caradoc!

I hope you are all keeping well and safe.

Please complete your daily reading and why not write a book review to tell us about the book you have read, it’s great seeing what you have enjoyed or not enjoyed about a book.

Next, please take part in the daily Read Write Inc Set 2 or 3 phonics session which you will find on YouTube.

After this please have a game of Buried Treasure on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 4 or 5 sounds.

Today is our last school day before the summer holiday. We are all so very proud of you and how everyone has managed throughout these strange times.  It is such a shame we can not share the last day together, but we are looking forward to the day when we can see you again and return to some normality.

We have all shared so many good times over the school year and I want you to think about your favourite memories and the things you have enjoyed over the time we were at school.

School Memory

Please complete the activity above and send it to myself or Miss Wright.  These memories are so valuable to us and something we treasure.

Thank you all so much, we hope you have a great summer.  Please stay safe and well, and we all look forward to seeing you soon.  Remember you are all brilliant and we miss you!

Mrs Thompstone, Miss Wright, Mrs Morgan, Mrs Phillips and Mrs Lewis.