Friday 19th June Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well. Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and Phonics

Please carry out your daily reading and complete a book review. Next, please join in with the daily Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics session on YouTube.

I would then like you to have a game of Buried Treasure on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 5 sounds.

English Home Learning

Please start by listening or reading our book of the week, The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.

Today you are going to write your own version of The Rainbow Fish.  Over the week you have listed adjectives, created your own Rainbow animal and created a plan for your own story.  Now it is time to put all your ideas together to write your own Rainbow Animal Story!  Remember in a story there must be:

  • a beginning
  • a problem
  • a solution
  • an ending

Use your plan and build on these ideas to create a fun, detailed story with lots of adjectives.  

Remember in your writing you must include:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • neat handwriting
  • finger spaces

When you have completed your story, please read back through it and edit any spelling mistakes you notice, add any capital letters or full stops you have missed out and check if you can add any more exciting adjectives.

Cheeky Challenge: Think of a suitable title and create a front cover, displaying your title and a picture.

I have set a final activity on Purple Mash for Chapter 1 of Little Red for you to complete.

Maths Home Learning

We are going to start our maths lesson today by counting up to 100.  Please join in then independently write all numbers to 100 – remember to make sure all your numbers are formed the correct way.

Today is maths challenge today! It is the first 3 challenges I would like you to complete. 

Remember you should try to complete these challenges independently, but if you do find the last one a bit tricky, ask someone in your household to help – making sure you solve the challenge together.  Good luck!

Cheeky Challenge: Use the addition skills we have learnt and developed over this year to complete the maths game below.

Spelling Test

Please complete your weekly spelling test, asking someone in your household to read your spellings for you to write down.  Good luck and remember to let me know your score!

ICT Home Learning

Today we are continuing with our coding lessons.  Please log onto Purple Mash and find the coding To Do.  Today we are going to learn how to move the spooky character!  Rememebr there are step by step instructions on the video for each step of the coding program.  Watch carefully to make sure you are able to follow the instructions correctly.

Have a good weekend Lawley, remember have fun, staying well and safe!