Friday 22nd May Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well.  Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and phonics

Please complete your daily reading, then carry out a book review.  I enjoy seeing what books you are enjoying and why.  Next please take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics session for today.  Following this I would like you to have a game of matching pairs on Phonics Play.

English Home Learning

Please watch our video of the week – The Lighthouse.  Whilst watching it I would like you to fill in the tick sheet below, looking out for particular items and recording how many times you see this.

Today we are going to be focussing on adjectives.  Rememeber:

An adjective is a describing word, for example, the lighthouse is tall and bright.

Your task is to write at least six sentences about the pictures on the activity sheet.  You could also make up your own relating to something else in The Lighthouse video.  Please remember to include the following in your writing at all times:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • finger spaces
  • neat handwriting

For a challenge you could include more than one adjective in each sentence!

Cheeky Challenge: Your challenge today is to complete the maze puzzle and find a way for the seagull to get to the lighthouse for its lunch.

I have also set a painting activity on Purple Mash for Chapter 3 of Anna’s Sports Day.

Maths Home Learning

I would like you to start today with watching and joining in with our counting in tens song.  After this I would like you to independently write the numbers down – forwards and backwards!

Today it is the White Rose Challenge Day.  Here is your challenge:

Cheeky Challenge: Have a go at challenge 3, if you find this difficult you can do this with a family member as well. 

Spellings Test

Please ask someone in your household to read your spellings so you can complete this weeks spelling test.  Good luck, take your time, listen out for the special friends and remember to send me your score!

ICT Home Learning

Following on from our coding work of the last few weeks, today we are going to be coding a snail race to see who is the fastest snail.  There are full instructions to guide you through the coding.  This is set as a 2do on Purple Mash.

Have a good day and a great weekend.  Stay well and safe 🙂