Friday, 26th February Home Learning

Good morning everyone and happy Friday!

Well done for all the hard work that has gone into your home learning this week, it has been great seeing your photographs and work.

Well done to everyone who joined our zoom meetings this week.  We will be having two zoom meetings today.  On top of our class zooms, Mr Dickson will also be holding a collective worship at 9.30am.  The link for this is below, and please see class dojo for our class zoom details.

Topic: Mr Dickson’s EY & KS1 Collective Worship
Time: Feb 26, 2021 09:30 AM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 976 9222 8006
Passcode: Trinity
Today we are taking part in Safer Internet Day.  There are lots of links and activities today for you to join in with.

Phonics Home Learning

Please join in with the live session of our Read Write Inc Phonics, set 3 with Rosie.  This session goes live on YouTube from 9.30am.

Ruth Miskin Training – YouTube

Maths Home Learning

Today, and every Friday, we are going to give you the opportunity to complete Maths activities on TT Rockstars, Numbots and Mathletics.  With these websites, your progress is recorded so I will be able to see who has logged on and what you have completed.  Your login details are in the front of your reading records, however if you cannot find these, please send me a message.


English Home Learning and Safer Internet Day

Today is usually our spelling test day, however due to last week being half term, we will not be having a test today.  Please find your new spellings on our class spelling page.  

Here is an introduction on Safer Internet Day for you to watch:

Safer Internet Day – Live Lesson – BBC Teach

Now, let’s read the story below about Smartie the Penguin.


As part of safer internet day and continuing with our letter writing theme, I would like you to write a letter to a friend or member of your family, explaining to them how to stay safe online.  Think about the features of a letter, as well as the important information you would like to share.  Below is the letter WAGOLL we have looked at throughout the week.  Use tips from Smartie the Penguin, as well as information we have learnt previously in class. 

Here is the link for you to choose a range of activities with Smartie:

Fun ‘Smartie the Penguin’ activities – Childnet

Now, please select some of these activities to complete:

I would like you to carry out your daily reading.  If you do not have any spare reading books at home, please remember you all have access to Bug Club.  Again, if you cannot find your login details, please message me.  I am checking this regularly so I can allocate more books to the children who need them.

Have a great day and remember to stay safe.  If you have any questions, please do message me.  If not, I look forward to seeing your work today.