Friday 26th June Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well. Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and Phonics

Please complete your daily reading followed by a book review, this let’s me know what you have enjoyed about the book you have read.

Next, please take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics session for today on YouTube. After this, please have a game of Buried Treasure on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 4 sounds.

English Home Learning

Remember this week we are having a writing competition based on The Smartest Giant in Town. I want all of Lawley to get involved and there will be a prize of 10 dojo points for the winner, 7 for second place and 5 for third place. Everyone who takes part will receive 2 house points. Each day you have been set a different activity for you to complete in order to get prepared for the writing competition over yesterday and today.

First of all I want you to listen to the story. If you have this book at home, you can also read this.

Today you are going to complete writing your version of The Smartest Giant in Town – our writing competition! You have created a shop, chosen 5 items and 5 animals, as well as a song. Now it is over to you to write your story. You are to use the same style as The Smartest Giant in Town using your ideas from our lessons over the week.

Remember, you must include:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • finger spaces
  • neat handwriting

Make your story fun, use exciting adjectives and language where possible. 

Cheeky Challenge: What is your favourite part of the story you have written and why?

Good luck everyone, I can not wait to read your stories and give out the prizes!

I have set an activity on Purple Mash based on Chapter 2 of Little Red.

Maths Home Learning

Please start our maths lesson today by watching and joining in with our counting in tens song.  Once you have done this, please independently write the numbers forwards and backwards to 100 counting in tens.

Today it is maths challenge day.  Please go onto the White Rose website and complete challenges 1 to 3.  Good luck, take your time and if you find them tricky, work together with someone else in your household.

Spelling Test

Please complete your weekly spelling test, asking someone in your household to read your spellings for your test.  Take your time, try your best and remember your phonics.  Good luck and don’t forget to let me know your result!

ICT Home Learning

We are continuing with our coding skills and learning this week.  On Purple Mash I have set a To Do where you will learn to move the knight to guard the castle.  Follow the video step by step instructions to complete this activity and add your codes.

Have a good day and great weekend Lawley.  Stay well and safe, Mrs Morgan and I are missing you all very much!