Friday 5th June Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well.  Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and phonics

Please complete your daily reading and a book review so I can see what you are enjoying about your book.  Next, please take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics Session on YouTube.  After this please have a game of Matching Pairs on the Phonics Play website.

English Home Learning

Today I would like you to have a look at the picture below.  It is called Lost.  Look at the picture in detail and think of adjectives to describe what you can see.

Now read the text that comes with the picture:

Hours and hours had passed, and she hadn’t seen a soul. The monotony of trudging through this seemingly never-ending labyrinth was tiring, and her eyelids felt heavy. The heady scent of the pine sap and earthy moss added to her lethargic state. She felt as if she could close her eyes and sleep for a thousand years. She knew she couldn’t though; being trapped in the woods when night fell wouldn’t be a wise move. Making the most of the remaining daylight would be crucial, she knew.

A great sense of foreboding filled her, and she had a tight feeling in her chest. The trees around her, like sentinels protecting the gods of the forest, seemed to bear down upon her. The dense army of pine trees threatened her from every side. There was only one path forward, and she took it hesitantly, not knowing what awaited her in the distance…

Today I would like you to write a story telling me what happens next when you walk down the forest path.  I want you to include:

  • adjectives
  • different sentence openers
  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • finger spaces
  • phonics
  • neat handwriting

Cheeky Challenge: Draw a picture to go along with your story.

I have also set an activity on Purple Mash based on Chapter 4 of Anna’s Sports Day.

Maths Home Learning

I would like you to start by watching our counting in tens video, joining in.  Then I want you to independently write the numbers up to 100 counting in 10s.

Today it’s Maths Challenge Day.  Have a go, they can be a little tricky, but remember to ask a member of your household to join in if you need a little help.

Spelling Test

Please complete your spelling test for the week.  Remember to ask someone in your household to test you then let me know your spelling test result.  Good luck, use your phonics and try your best!

ICT Home Learning

Following on from our coding work last half term, we are going to continue for the next few weeks.  I have set a 2 Do on Purple Mash for you to learn how to move vehicles on the computer screen.

There are video clips to show you how to do each level, guiding you through every step.

Have a good day Lawley and a safe, restful weekend.