Fun Friday Home Learning

Well done everyone for all of the fantastic work you have completed this week. Everyone at Holy Trinity is very proud of all of you super efforts and hard work. We also think that your parents and carers are doing a fabulous job helping you so make sure you take the time to say a big Thank you to them!

Please try to join in with your daily class Zoom session and Story time as this is the perfect time to talk about how you are getting on with your home learning and it is also lovely to be able to see each other. Don’t forget our Family Group Zoom on  Friday too. Your invites will be sent out on ClassDojo- see you there!


I hope that you have enjoyed taking part in our online reading sessions with different adults from our school.

Today, I would like you to  complete your spelling quiz which has been set as a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash. Try putting your spelling words into a full sentence. Can you make  a ‘silly sentence’?

Here are some reading comprehension questions for you to try:

Winter Stage 1 Comp – Comprehension Pack (1)


Log onto TTRockstars, Numbots or Mathletics today to practice your Maths skills. Remember to ask an adult to contact us on class Dojo if you are having problems logging on.


Hit the button is a great way to improve your recall of number facts:

Finally, I would like you to relax, take a deep breath and tune into our Friday Mindfulness session at ‘Zen Den’:


You may like to complete some mindfulness colouring which can be downloaded below or even create you own!

