Home Learning Tuesday 7th April

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well.  Below are our home learning ideas for today.

PE with Joe Wicks

Here is the link for todays PE with Joe Wicks:

English Home Learning

Today I would like you to complete a missing word activity and a jigsaw activity based on Chapter 1 of Anna and the Third Leaf.  These are set as To Dos on Purple Mash.

Maths Home Learning

Continuing with our fun Easter maths activities, below are todays challenges:



RE Home Learning

Today is a beautiful spring day and it is the week leading up to Easter Sunday.  I would like you to write an Easter Spring Poem.  Look out of the window, what can you see? If you are able to, stand out in the garden, what can you see, smell, hear?  Think about the Easter story we have learnt during our RE lessons this half term, why do we celebrate Easter?  Why is Easter so important to Christians?  Include these ideas in your poem, make them bright and colourful, you could even include a drawing at the end of your poem. I am looking forward to reading these!

Remember to continue with your daily reading and phonics practice.

Thank you Lawley, have a good day and stay well.