Mental Health Week

Good morning everyone!

I hope you have had a restful weekend and you are all well.  As we discussed in our Key Stage One zoom meeting on Friday, this week we are taking part in Mental Health Week.  We will be focussing on our emotions and feelings, and trying to be as creative and hands on as possible through expressing ourselves, having a break from the screen time.  The Duchess of Cambridge has this important message for Mental Health Week:

Mr Dickson will be holding a zoom meeting today at 9.00am for Lawley and Wrekin and 9.30am for Caradoc to start our week off, this will be instead of our morning class zoom meetings.  However, these will continue the rest of the week as normal.  We will also be holding a relax and read session every day, please check our class dojo page for the daily link and time.

We have set up a timetable for the week to guide you through our daily lessons.  Every day a Maths and English activity will be set on our class webpage for you to complete.  For your afternoon lesson, you can choose a number of the activities from the timetable.  You do not have to follow the afternoon activities in the daily order, you can choose the activity you wish to complete from any of the days, but making sure you cover every day by the end of the week.  Under each afternoon there are a range of links, these cover all year groups across the school.  Please carefully look at the one you think is appropriate and manageable at home, ensuring you get permission before using any equipment or carrying out any tasks.

Here is the link for our timetable:

Health and Fitness Timetable

There is a daily well-being journal for you to complete every day, recording how you feel and describing your day.  The links can be found below, however if you would like a printed copy, please message your class teacher and we can arrange a printed journal for you to pick up.

KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Monday

KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Tuesday

KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Wednesday

KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Thursday

KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Friday

Please remember to check on our class page daily for our English and Maths, as well as any updates.

Let’s have a fun week, being creative and mindful!