Monday 11th May Home Learning

Good morning Lawley,

I hope you are all well and have had an enjoyable yet safe weekend.  Here are our home learning activities for today.

Phonics and reading

Please complete your daily reading then watch the daily Read Write Inc Phonics set 3 session on YouTube.  Following this please go onto Phonics Play and have a game of Buried Treasure revising all set 2 sounds.

English Home Learning

Last week you ordered the steps needed to brush your teeth.  Over today and tomorrow I would like you to write your set of instructions in full.  Here is an example of writing a set of instructions:

The next picture show you what you must include in your set of instructions:

I would like you now to look back at your ordering of the pictures on brushing your teeth and start writing your instructions.

Remember to:

  • Include all features of instructions
  • use neat handwriting
  • use your phonics
  • include capital letters
  • include full stops

This activity will run over today and tomorrow so please do not rush, make sure you try your hardest and include lots of details in each feature and step.

I have also set the next chapter of Anna’s Sports Day.  Please read this then complete the quiz.

Maths Home Learning

Today I would like you to start our maths session by watching the number bonds to 10 video, then independently writing all number bonds to 10.

Today we are going to be looking at adding by making 10. First of all I would like you to watch the video clip on the whiterose website.

Here are our activities for today.  Each level gets more of a challenge, try your best and remember the learning we have done in class.

Cheeky Challenge: I would like you to access the Top Marks website and have a game of Mental Maths Train.  I would like you to select addition and bonds to make 10.

Topic Home Learning

Last week we learned about Helen Keller and her use of the senses.  Today I would like you to consider all the senses and make scented play dough.  Here is a set of instructions showing you how to make this.

Once you have made this I want you to consider all five senses.  Then I would like you to describe the play dough, writing this down in full sentences.

If you are unable to make the scented play dough due to not having the ingredients, ask an adult to find something in your house to use to describe using the five senses.