Monday 1st June Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you had a good half term week and managed to enjoy the beautiful weather safely.

Here are our home learning activities for today.  Remember we are back at school full time now so my response time will be different now.

I am also preparing home learning packs, if you would like one of these, please let me know and I will get one ready for collection.

Reading and Phonics

Please complete your daily reading then take part in the set 3 Read Write Inc Phonics Session on YouTube.  After this please have a game of Buried Treasure on Phonics Play revising all set 2 sounds.

English Home Learning

Today we are going to be looking at tongue twisters.  With our new topic being Beachcombers, these tongue twisters are all related to the seaside.

A tongue twister is a short rhyme which you are meant to read and say out loud quickly, they are often tricky and a difficult to say so quickly!

I would like you to read them and after each one I would like you to write a sentence about:

  • what you enjoyed
  • what you found hard
  • were there any rhyming words
  • what made you laugh

Remember in our sentences we must always include:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • finger spaces
  • neat handwriting

Cheeky Challenge: Can you find or think of another tongue twister?  Write your sentence about this one.

I have set Chapter 4 of Anna’s Sports Day on Purple Mash as well as a quiz to complete.

Maths Home Learning

I would like you to start our maths session today by watching our counting forwards and backwards to 50 song.  I would then like you to write theses numbers in order independently from 0 to 50 then 50 to 0.

Today we are going to be looking at measuring mass.  This is where we measure how heavy or light something is.  Please watch the video on the Whiterose website:

Here are our activity sheets for today based on measuring mass:

Cheeky Challenge:  Follow these instructions to make playdough where you will practice measuring mass.

Topic Home Learning

Our new topic for this half term is called Beachcombers.  I would like you to watch the video on the link below which shows you all the things we will be looking at during our topic.

Today I would like you to complete my mind map below listing all the animals and creatures you see at the beach:

Beach mindmap

I would like you to choose your favourite beach animal or creature and make a model of this.  You can use any resources you have at home, for example:

  • recycling
  • cardboard
  • playdough
  • plastic
  • lego
  • something else you find around your home

Please be as creative and imaginative as possible and most of all, have fun!

Have a good day Lawley, stay safe and well.