Monday 20th April Home Learning

Good morning Lawley,

I hope you are all well.  Here are our home learning activities for today:

English Home Learning

We are going to be looking at instructions this week, looking at why we have instructions, what is included in instructions, building up to writing our own set of instructions.

Today I would like you to look around your house and find as many different sets of instructions as you can find.  I would like you to write down using full sentences:

  1. What are the instructions for?
  2. What is the same about all the instructions?
  3. What is different about all the instructions?
  4. How are the instructions set out?
  5. How do the instructions help you?
  6. Are instructions useful?

Cheeky Challenge: What could you write a set of instructions for?

Maths Home Learning

We are going to be following Whiterose, we use this in class and throughout school, and our Easter activities were following this.  Whiterose is also a website that is currently open for parents and children to access, supporting you with guidance and the answers if needed.

Maths starter:

Today our focus is doubles. We have worked with doubles before.  I would like you to find objects around the house (ask permission first) and make double.  For example if I had 2 Easter eggs, double would be 4 Easter eggs.

Our activity:

Finally, if you would like to join in with the BBC Bitesize daily activities, here is the link for the maths session, focussing on adding on and back in 1s.

Reading Home Learning

Please continue with you daily reading. I have also set further activities on Purple Mash for Chapter 2 of Anna and the Third Leaf.

Topic Home Learning

Our new topic is Scented Garden.  Today I would like you to either sit in your garden if you have one, look out of a window or look at the picture below.  I would like to you draw what you observe, this is called an observational drawing.  You can use any resources you have available – pencil, crayons, wax, chalk, paint, watercolours, you may even want to mix the resources you use.  I can not wait to see these!

Have a great day and stay safe.