Monday, 25th January Home Learning

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are all well and have had a good weekend enjoying watching the snow.

You will receive your invitation to the daily class Zoom sessions through Class Dojo, I really hope that you can join these meetings as it is an opportunity to talk about your online learning, you can ask any questions and of course we get to see your lovely faces!  If you have any issues accessing Zoom, please do get in touch.

Phonics Home Learning

Please join in with the live session of our Read Write Inc Phonics, set 3 with Rosie.  This session goes live on YouTube from 9.30am.

Ruth Miskin Training – YouTube

Maths Home Learning

We are going to start off our Maths lesson by joining in with our counting forwards to 100 song.  Once you have done this, please write down all numbers to 100, making sure they are all formed correctly and in the right order.

Today, we are going to complete a maths problem challenge.  This is called Twizzle’s Journey.  This is based on a giraffe, just like the giraffe in The Smartest Giant in Town.  We need to get Twizzle the giraffe from one zoo to the other.

Let’s take a look.

Twizzle’s Journey ( 

Complete the challenge, answering the questions in full sentences.


Remember, you can also access Numbots and TT Rockstars to support your maths learning.

English Home Learning

We are going to start our English lesson by looking at the picture of the cave.  I would like you to list as many as adjectives as possible to describe the cave.  Imagine you are stood in the cave, think about your senses.  Once you have done your list, please use your adjectives in sentences.

We are now going to move onto a new book for the next two week.  Our focus is going to be The Smartest Giant in Town, by Julia Donaldson.  Please listen to the story below:

This week we are going to be concentrating on the story, thinking about how we can change a part, then we will write our own story later in the week.

Today, I want you to think about the order of the story, this will show that you understand what has been read, the order and the events that happen. 

You can either create your own story board by drawing the important events of the story, or you can use the template below:


Remember it is important to write in full sentences, use capital letters, full stops, phonics and neat handwriting.


Cheeky Challenge:  What is your favourite part of The Smartest Giant in Town and why?

Please complete your daily reading, remembering you can all access Bug Club.  Please also practice your daily spellings.

RE Home Learning

We are now going to be focussing on a different bible story.  For the next two weeks we will be looking at David and Goliath.  

Let’s start our lesson my watching and listening to this bible story.

Today, I would like you to use roleplay to retell the story of David and Goliath.  First, please answer these questions:

Now, you are going to create figures for your role play. There are some facemasks you could use, smaller puppets or you can draw your own and stick them onto lollypop sticks.  Use your imagination and have fun!

Story cut outs

Remember to share your work, if you have any questions, do get in touch.  Have a good day and stay safe.