Monday 6th July Home Learning DT

This week our theme is We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, and along with our Maths and English I will be setting you an afternoon activity which we will also be doing in school.

Today we are going to be making Bear biscuits.  I would like you to be as independent as possible, learning how to measure, mix, shape and bake.  Whilst completing this activity please think about:

  • What you are finding easy?
  • What you are finding difficult?
  • What is your favourite part?
  • What have you needed help with?

Please find the recipe for you to follow below:

Teddy Bear Biscuits

If you do not have a teddy bear shape cutter, you can shape the biscuits yourself.

Once you have made your biscuits please take a photo and send them to myself or Miss Wright.

Then you can eat them and enjoy!

Please write a sentence explaining how they taste and how you could improve them if you made them again.