Monday’s Home Learning Ideas

Hi Lawley,

I hope everyone has had a good weekend and you are all keeping well.  I will be posting daily home learning ideas on this page, however please do not worry about doing all things straight away along with the packs I sent home.  These ideas will stay on this page and you can access them at any time.  Lawley’s contact email is

Maths Home Learning

Our focus today is counting to 50 forwards and backwards.  In class we use YouTube songs to help us and make counting fun.  Children can go around the house counting as well as out in the garden, if this is possible.  The key thing is to make it fun!

Our topic is fractions and we have been looking at halves and quarters.  In class we cut paper shapes and shaded in either 1/2 or 1/4, as well as sorting objects into 1/2 or 1/4.  Find a set of objects – money, lego, fruit etc.  Can you find half of the set?  Then find a quarter of the set.  Next, write the fraction:

eg. I have 12 blueberries.  1/2 of 12 is 6. 1/4 of 12 is 3.


23.03.20 CC

English Home Learning

Look at study the image below, it is called ‘Journey to School’.  Then write a short story about what is happening and what happens next.  Use your imagination, just like we have in class.  Everyone must include capital letters, full stops, neat handwriting, phonics and adjectives.  Also, try to include a sentence with an exclamation mark.

resource image

Topic Home Learning

In topic we are focussing on Geography.  I would like you to locate where London and Oswestry are.  Using the computer (if you can), can you identify the similarities and differences between London and Oswestry, perhaps write a fact file, create a drawing or a map, be as creative and imaginative as you like.

London and Oswestry

Joe Wicks PE Home Learning

Remember Joe Wicks is doing a daily PE session.  This is live at 9am but available through YouTube at all other times.  This is so much fun and all the family can join in.