Thursday, 11th February Home Learning

Good morning everyone!  Well done to everyone who sent in their completed activities yesterday for day three of our Health and Fitness Week!

Remember to check on Class Dojo for our daily zoom meeting details and our relax and read session.


Thursday’s Maths

Here is our maths session for today:

Thursday’s Maths

Here is a template to make your own cube.  What about making a bigger cube for your worry monster to live in?

Thursday’s Cube Activity

Don’t forget, you can also look at the following website for some great ideas on outdoor maths:

13 Outdoor Maths Activities for Early Years to Y6 – Third Space Learning

Top 7 Outdoor Maths Activities for Kids – WordUnited

Thursday’s English

We are continuing our focus on our story, The Way Home for Wolf.  Let’s start by listening to the story:

The way home for wolf

Here is our activity for today:

Thursday’s English

Afternoon Session

Now, choose an activity from our Health and Fitness Week Timetable, making sure it is a different activity from yesterday.  Now is your opportunity to also complete your well-being journal for today.

Health and Fitness Timetable

Please also remember to learn the song set by Mrs Meddins on our class news page, we really want to get you all joining in so we can create a whole school song video!

Don’t forget to send in photographs of the work and activities you have completed, and remember to be creative and express yourself!