Thursday 16th April Home Learning

Good morning Lawley,

I hope you are all well.  Here are some ideas for your home learning today.

English Home Learning for Thursday and Friday

I would like you to plan and write a letter over the next two days to a member of Lawley class.  I want you to write about how you are feeling, what you have been up to, who you have been spending your time with, what you miss about school and what you are looking forward to when this is all over.  I would like you to make sure you use capital letters, full stops, your phonics and neat handwriting.  I would like you to end your letter with a question.

Maths Home Learning

Our Easter Maths activities for today are:

Music Home Learning

On our class page you will find a post from Mrs Price, where she has asked us all to film ourselves doing the actions to My Lighthouse.  You can then send this to myself for Mrs Price at and she will be creating one big Holy Trinity video.  So your challenge today is to complete this.  Have fun doing this!


Please continue with your daily reading and phonics.  I have also uploaded a quiz for Chapter 2 of Anna and the Third Leaf on Purple Mash.