Thursday, 1st April Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well.  I’m sorry the end of term has ended in this way but with our isolation period, we can stay safe and well.

Here are some activities for you to complete today.  I will also be posting some activities later today for you to have a look at over the holiday period.

We will have a zoom meeting at 1.30pm today, please do try to join.  Here is the link:

Lovely Lawley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Lovely Lawley’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Apr 1, 2021 01:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 943 8550 1066
Passcode: hello


Please join in with at least one of my phonics videos on our virtual phonics.  In Lawley we are concentrating on set 3 sounds, yesterday we recapped the sound a-e.  Here  is the link:

Virtual Phonics | Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy and Nursery (


Today I would like you to complete activities on Numbots, Mathletics and TT Rockstars.  This week in class we have used Numbots daily and everyone is becoming very confident and using their maths skills.  If you have any problems logging on, please do let me know.  Remember, your details are in the front of your reading diary.

Now, complete the activities below, the first being to complete the addition problems in order to colour in the correct squares to reveal an Easter picture.  The second is an Easter themed missing numbers activity.

Easter addition

Easter missing numbers


I would like you to start by listing adjectives to describe the picture called The Magical Eggs.  Once you have completed this, please put your adjectives into sentences.

Today, I would like you to create an acrostic poem.  An acrostic poem is when we use a certain word, and each letter of the word starts a new line.  We created acrostic poems during our Remembrance Week in school.  Take a look at my WAGOLL below:

Easter Acrostic Poem

Be creative, use your own template and you do not have to use the word Easter, but it must link to Easter.  Try to include part of our Holy Week learning.   Here is a quick recap of the Holy Week to help you.

Holy week

Here is the final video for Holy Week.  We were able to watch the others in class.  Our final video is about Easter Sunday.

Finally, here is an Easter Word search to complete.

Stay safe Lawley, enjoy your Easter break and take care.

Mrs Thompstone and Mrs Morgan.