Thursday 25th June Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well. Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and Phonics

Please complete your daily reading followed by a book review, this let’s me know what you have enjoyed about the book you have read.

Next, please take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics session for today on YouTube. After this, please have a game of Make a Match on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 3 sounds.

English Home Learning

Remember this week we are having a writing competition based on The Smartest Giant in Town. I want all of Lawley to get involved and there will be a prize of 10 dojo points for the winner, 7 for second place and 5 for third place. Everyone who takes part will receive 2 house points. Each day there will be a different activity for you to complete in order to get prepared for the writing competition over today and Friday.

First of all I want you to listen to the story. If you have this book at home, you can also read this.

Today and tomorrow you are going to be writing your version of The Smartest Giant in Town – our writing competition!  You have created a shop, chosen 5 items and 5 animals, as well as a song.  Now it is over to you to write your story.  You are to use the same style as The Smartest Giant in Town using your ideas from our lessons over the week.  

Remember, you must include:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • finger spaces
  • neat handwriting

Make your story fun, use exciting adjectives and language where possible.  Do not rush your story, you have two days to complete this.

Cheeky Challenge:  Read what you have written so far to make sure it makes sense and you have used everything I have asked you to include.

I have set an activity on Purple Mash based on Chapter 2 of Little Red.

Maths Home Learning

Please start by watching and joining in with our counting in fives song.  Then write down the numbers up to 100 counting in fives independently.

Today we are going to continue looking at comparing numbers.  Remember this is where we use the words and symbols:

  • greater than >
  • less than <
  • equal to =

Please watch the video on the White Rose website.

Here are your activities for today:

Cheeky Challenge: Who got the lowest score in their spelling test?  How do you know?

Science Home Learning

There is lots of activity going on outside at the moment, with flowers and trees blossoming and animals being born and growing.  Today we are going to be thinking about birds and the different types of birds we see in the garden or in our local area.  I want you to either sit in your garden, look out your window or during your daily walk to observe the birds you see.

Here is a look out check sheet to complete:

I want you to carry out your observation over at least 30 minutes.  Next I would like you to answer the following questions based on your observations:

  • Which was the bird you saw the most of?
  • Which was the bird you saw the least of?
  • Were there any types of bird you did not see?
  • Which was the largest bird?
  • Which was the smallest bird?
  • What were the birds doing during your observation?

Cheeky Challenge: Which was your favourite bird and why?

Music Home Learning

Continuing with our science theme of garden birds, I would like you to listen to and learn the song: In My Garden.  Please listen to the tune, thinking about the instruments you can hear, the pitch, the words.  Learn the song then see if you can add your own actions.

Have a great day Lawley, stay well and safe.