Thursday 2nd July Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well. Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and Phonics

Please complete your daily reading, then fill in a book review so I can see what you have and have not enjoyed.

Next, please watch and take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics session on YouTube. After this please have a game of Make a Match on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 3 sounds.

English Home Learning

This week we are going to be concentrating on The Tiger who came to Tea by Judith Kerr. During the week we will be building up our ideas ready for the competition writing today and tomorrow.

Please start by watching the story below, or if you have a copy of the book you can read this.

Today you are going to start our competition.  Your first task is to create a menu suitable for your animal.  Think about the food and drink the tiger had in Sophie’s house, you could use something similar or create your own, fun menu.  You can use your imagination and allow your animal to eat and drink anything you want to!

Remember in your writing please include:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • finger spaces
  • neat handwriting

Cheeky Challenge: Add pictures to your menu then tell me why you have chosen the food and drink on your menu.

Maths Home Learning

Please start our maths session by watching and joining in with our counting in fives song.  Then, write down the numbers up to 100 counting in fives.

Our focus today is counting coins.  We count coins to make our money total the amount we need to buy something.  For example if I buy a choclate bar for 59 pence, I can count my coins up to give this amount.  First of all, watch the video on the White Rose website.

If you can, use coins from your home to have a look and have a go at counting coins. Here are our activities for today.

Cheeky Challenge:  Are Alex and Olivia correct?  Prove it.

Science Home Learning

Today we are going to look at the different types of trees we see in our country.  Have a think about any tree names you already know.

Have a look at the sheet below to show you the different tree names along with the leaves that belong to that tree.  Knowing and being able to recognise the leaves helps with identifying the different types of trees when out and about.

If you are able to, look in your garden, out a window or whilst you are on your daily walk, to see what trees you can recognise now.  Look at the leaves to help you and see how they are different, how they are the same, and how they smell and feel.  See how many of the different types of trees you can find.

Music Home Learning

Today we are going to be learning a song called ‘The Seed Song’ to compliment our Plants science topic.  Listen to the song and think about:

  • the instruments your can hear
  • the pitch
  • the rhythm
  • what you like and what you don’t like

Now I would like you to learn the song, listening to the words carefully.  I would also like you to create your own actions or dance to go alongside the song.  Enjoy!

Have a great day Lawley, stay well and safe.