Thursday 4th June Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!
I hope you are all well. Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and phonics
Please complete your daily reading then take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics Session on YouTube. Following this please have a game of Matching Pairs on the Phonics Play website.

English Home Learning

Following on from writing your own tongue twisters yesterday, today we are going to edit them and write a final copy.  When we edit our work we are checking and making sure our work:

  • makes sense
  • includes the correct information and features
  • includes capital letters and full stops have been used
  • make sure phonics have been used for our spellings
  • neat handwriting has been used
  • you have used finger spaces

So please check your tongue twister and edit this where needed.  Once you have done this ask a grown up or an older brother or sister to check your tongue twister.

Now I would like you to write your tongue twister up neatly, using your neatest handwriting.  I have added some seaside paper below but if you can not print this, then make your own design.

Once you have written your tongue twister up neatly, you can draw a picture.

Cheeky Challenge: Write a sentence telling me what you enjoyed about writing your tongue twister and what you found difficult.

I have also set an activity on Purple Mash for chapter 4 of Anna’s Sports Day.

Maths Home Learning

We are going to start maths today by listening and singing our counting in fives song.  Then please write down the numbers independently.

Today we are going to be looking at measuring capacity.  First I would like you to watch the video on the White Rose website.

Our activity today is based on measuring capacity at home.

Cheeky challenge: Repeat our activity by filling two cups up with water.

Science Home Learning

This half term we will be looking and focussing on plants.  Today I would like you to complete a plant hunt whilst going on your daily walk.  Please remember to stay safe at all times with your grown up.  If you have a garden, you could do this hunt there instead.  You may not find everything on the list but have a good go.  Whilst taking part I want you to look carefully at each item and:

  • think about how they are different
  • how they are the same
  • how do they grow
  • where do they grow
  • what do you like about the plant
  • describe the plant using adjectives

Cheeky Challenge: Which plant did you find the most of?  Which plant did you find the least of?

Music Home Learning

In music today I would like you to watch the song below called Keeper of My Heart.  

Once you have watched this I want you to watch in again and:

  • listen to the instruments you can hear
  • listen to the word
  • think about the pitch
  • what the beat is like

Next I would like you to learn the words and sing along, can you clap to the beat, stamp to the beat or dance to the beat – have fun!

Have a great day Lawley!