Thursday 7th May Home Learning


Good morning Lawley,

I hope you are all well and keeping safe.  Here are our home learning activities for today.

Phonics and reading

I would like you to carry out your daily reading, then watch the daily Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics session on YouTube.  Following this, please go onto Phonics Play and have a game of Buried Treasure, revising all phase 3 sounds.

English Home Learning

Today I would like you to complete your VE Day activity where you will either write up your newspaper report or record your radio broadcast.  If you have chosen to complete a newspaper report you can either create your own template or use the one I have attached below.  If you have chosen a radio broadcast, this can be recorded on a mobile phone, computer or tablet.  If you do not have access to one of these, please read your broadcast to a member of your household.

Newspaper report

Cheeky Challenge: How do you think you would feel on VE Day listening or reading the news?

Maths Home Learning

Today we are going to be looking at adding more within 20.  First of all I would like you to watch the Whiterose video explaining this concept.

Here are the activities linked with our learning today:

Cheeky Challenge: Please listen to our counting in 10s song, then independently write down these numbers up to 100.

VE Day Celebrations

I would like you to choose a VE Day celebration activity or challenge to complete.  Don’t forget to take a picture and send it over to me.

Have a great day Lawley.