Tuesday 12th May Home Learning

Good morning Lawley.  I hope you are all well.  Here are our home learning activities for today.

Phonics and reading

Please carry out your daily reading, then take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics session on YouTube. 

After this I would like you to have a game of Picnic on Pluto on the Phonics Play website, revising the Phase 3 sounds.

English Home Learning

Today I would like you to complete your set of instructions on how to brush your teeth.  You have already got the order from last weeks ordering lesson.  Remember to include all the features we have looked at as well as:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • finger spaces
  • phonics
  • neat handwriting

Cheeky challenge: can you include any more bossy verbs?

I have also set a missing words activity on Purple Mash for Anna’s Sports Day.

Maths Home Learning

Today I would like you to start our maths lesson by watching our counting to 50 forwards and backwards.  Then I would like you to independently write down the numbers – remember, forwards and backwards!

We are going to be looking at subtraction today.  Remember another name we use for subtraction is take away, and this is where we take one number away from another. 

The way we have done this in class is where we draw the circles for the first number then cross off the second number, this then gives us the answer.  Here is an example:

First of all watch this video on whiterose:


Here is your activity for today.  You can use the crossing out method or the number line at the top of the sheet.  We have used both methods in class.

Cheeky Challenge: I have set an addition and subtraction game on Purple Mash for you to test your skills.

RE Home Learning

We have been looking at being thankful, and today we are going to be looking at how we can show our thanks to the NHS.  Mrs Allcock posted on Lawley’s News page about celebrating our nurse heroes and being thankful for their support, particularly at the moment due to the Corona Virus.  

Today is International Nurses Day so it is a perfect time to be thankful, and it is also 200 years since Florence Nightingale’s birth.  The public have been asked to shine a light to recognise these.

Let’s say thank you from our Holy Trinity Family, to the brave nurses on the frontline by shining a light from our windows at 8.30 on Tuesday night. We could also show our appreciation by drawing pictures of nurses. Please email them to me and Mrs Allcock will display them on the school website.

PE Home Learning

Today I would like you to learn and play a game of ‘Right Way Wrong Way’.  Here are the instructions along with a video to help you.  

Have a great day Lawley and keep safe and well.