Tuesday 14th July English Home Learning

Good morning Lawley and Caradoc!

I hope you are all keeping well and safe.

Please complete your daily reading and why not write a book review to tell us about the book you have read, it’s great seeing what you have enjoyed or not enjoyed about a book.

Next, please take part in the daily Read Write Inc Set 2 or 3 phonics session which you will find on YouTube.

After this please have a game of Picnic on Pluto on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 3 sounds.

This week we are going to be focusing on Stick Man by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

To start with, please listen to the story which is being read by one of the authors – Axel Scheffler. If you have the book at home, why not read alongside Axel!

Today we are going to create our own family tree.  Please follow the instructions below:

  1. First, draw a tree trunk on a piece of paper, then colour it in.
  2. Second, find a selection of leaves from your garden or on your daily walk.  If you can not find any, you can draw, colour in and cut out your own.
  3. Next, write all your family names on the leaves using a pen.  You are going to write one family name and one leave and carry on until you have written down all your family names.  This could include everyone in your household, your Nan and Grandad, your Aunt and Uncle, your cousin, or anyone else in your family.
  4. Then, glue your leaves on your tree.
  5. Finally, take a picture to show me or Miss Wright.

Cheeky Challenge: Choose one of your family members.  Write a sentence telling me what they would say if they found Stickman.