Tuesday 21st April Home Learning

Good morning Lawley,

I hope you are all well and enjoying completing our activities.  Thank you to the children who sent me work yesterday, please keep it up!

Phonics Home Learning

Read Write Inc phonics sessions can be found on YouTube, today please recap on set 2 sounds.  Then complete a game of Buried Treasure on Phonics Play, again recapping all of our set 2 sounds.


Alongside your phonics, please remember to read daily.

English Home Learning

I hope you managed to find a wide variety of different sets of instructions yesterday.  I decided to follow a set of instructions yesterday – I made flapjack following a recipe, yes a recipe is a set of instructions.  Without these instructions my flapjack could have turned out horribly wrong! Fortunately the instructions were easy to follow and the flapjack was delicious!


Today I would like to you to choose a set of instructions to follow, this may be to build a den, to build a toy, to make something, or a recipe for baking.  I would like you to complete following the instructions and send me a picture.

Cheeky Challenge – tell me how you found following the instructions and why, writing in a full sentence.

I have uploaded chapter 3 of Anna and the Third Leaf on Purple Mash along with a quiz to complete.

Maths Home Learning

Our starter for today is:

Following on from yesterday, today we are going to be looking at equal groups.  Again, this is a recap on what we have already learnt in class and is something to rejig our memory.

Please also have a look at the following link for counting on in 2s within 50 through BBC Bitesize:


RE Home Learning

This term we are going to be looking at ‘Gospel’.

I want you to remember that Jesus offered friendship, forgiveness and peace.  Today I would like you to have a think and choose 12 people from Lawley class, together you 12 are going to change the world.  But what strengths do we need to make the world a better place – thinking about friendship, forgiveness and peace.

Write down your team of 12 then next to their names list record why you have chosen them to help you change the world – what characteristics to they have, what makes them a good friends and someone you think could help change the world?  Think about:

PE Home Learning

I would like you to design an obstacle course either in your garden or in the house – but ask permission first!  I want you to create a course where you go high, go low, travel forwards and backwards, slide across something on your tummy, tiptoe, go fast and go slow.  Are you ready for the challenge?

I hope you have a great day and please stay safe.