Tuesday 23rd June Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well. Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and phonics

Please complete your daily reading followed by a book review, this let’s me know what you have enjoyed about the book you have read.

Next, please take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics session for today on YouTube. After this, please have a game of Picnic on Pluto on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 3 sounds.

English Home Learning

Remember this week we are having a writing competition based on The Smartest Giant in Town.  I want all of Lawley to get involved and there will be a prize of 10 dojo points for the winner, 7 for second place and 5 for third place. Everyone who takes part will receive 2 house points. Each day there will be a different activity for you to complete in order to get prepared for the writing competition over Thursday and Friday.

First of all I want you to listen to the story. If you have this book at home, you can also read this.

Today I would like you to plan the animals that George will meet on his journey and the item from your shop that George will give each animal. 

For example, if my shop was a cake shop, I would write that George would give a horse a donut, an elephant an éclair, a tiger a cream meringue, a monkey a chocolate cake and a rhino a lemon drizzle cake.

First of all I want you to draw each animal and the item George will give them.  Then next to the picture please write a sentence explaining what is happening. 

Remember in our writing we must always include:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • finger spaces
  • neat handwriting

Cheeky Challenge: How will each animal feel when George gives them your items.

I have set an activity on Purple Mash based on Chapter 2 of Little Red.

Maths Home Learning

We are going to start maths today by joining in with our counting to 100 song.  When you have completed this, please independently write down all numbers to 100, making sure they are in order and all numbers are formed the right way.

Today we are focussing on partitioning numbers.  This is where we look at the tens on ones of a number.  To start with please watch the video on the White Rose website.


We have done lots of work using tens and ones in class, remember using the equipment?  Here is our activity for today:

Cheeky Challenge:  What have I done wrong?  Explain and fix my problem.

My number is 32.  I have 2 tens and 3 ones.

RE Home Learning

We have been looking at religious special books this term.  You have already looked at the Bible and the Torah Scroll. 

Today I would like you to find out about the Qur’an.  I would like you to carry out research on the Qur’an and tell me:

  • What religion is the Qur’an a special book?
  • Why is the Qur’an a special book?
  • How is it read?
  • What language is?
  • Where is the Qur’an kept?
  • A fascinating fact.

PE Home Learning

Miss Scoltock has set a virtual Sports Fortnight.  I would like you to find her post on the Lawley News page and complete at least one of the activities on there.  Remember to take pictures as there are prizes at the end!

Have a great day Lawley, stay safe and well.