Tuesday 30th June Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well. Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and Phonics

Please complete your daily reading, then fill in a book review so I can see what you have and have not enjoyed.

Next, please watch and take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics session on YouTube. After this please have a game of Picnic on Pluto on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 3 sounds.

English Home Learning

The start of a new week means the start of a new competition! This week we are going to be concentrating on The Tiger who came to Tea by Judith Kerr. During the week we will be building up our ideas ready for the competition writing on Thursday and Friday.
Please start by watching the story below, or if you have a copy of the book you can read this.


Today I would like you to create your own animal to come to tea.  Just like the tiger visited Sophie’s house, I want you to think of a different animal to visit your house for tea. First I would like you to draw your animal and label the features, for example the nose and tail.  Next I would like you to write about your animal, telling me:

  • what they look like
  • what their personality is like
  • what food they like to eat
  • what they sound like
  • what they smell like

Remember when writing I expect to see you use:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • finger spaces
  • neat handwriting
  • adjectives

Cheeky Challenge: How would you feel opening the door to your animal?

I have set an activity on Purple Mash based on Chapter 3 of Little Red.

Maths Home Learning

Today I would like you to start by watching and joining in with our counting to 100 song.  After this, please independently write your numbers to 100, making sure they are formed correctly as well as being in the right order.

Today we are going to looking at recognising money, with our focus being coins.  Please start by watching the video on the White Rose website.


Ask someone in your household for a selection of coins to have a look at, see how different they look and if you can recognise the value of each one.

Here are your activities for today based on recognising coins.

Cheeky Challenge:  Complete the tables below.

RE Home Learning

Over the last few weeks we have been looking at religious special books.  Today we are continuing this by look at the Guru Granth Sahib.  This is the special book of the Sikh religion.

Today you are going to make a fact file based on this special book.  I would like you to find out:

  • Why is this a special book?
  • Where is this kept?
  • How is it read?
  • What language is this special book written in?
  • An interesting fact.

PE Home Learning


Continuing with our virtual sports fortnight, I would like you to complete at least two of the activities set by Miss Scoltock on her Lawley News page post.  Remember to send me pictures of you completing this.  Have fun!

Have a great day Lawley and stay well and safe.