Wednesday 13th May Home Learning

Good Morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well.  Here are our home learning activities for today.

Phonics and reading

Please complete your daily reading then write a book review to tell me how you found this book.  Next take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Session for today, followed by a game of Dragons Den, revising all phase 4 sounds.

English Home Learning

Well done for completing your set of instructions on how to brush your teeth yesterday.  Today we are going to edit these.  Follow my instructions below:

  1. First check carefully that you have used capital letters, full stops, your phonics and neat handwriting.
  2. Next look closely to see if you can add any more bossy verbs.
  3. Thirdly slowly read your instructions and make sure you have used all the features:
  • a title
  • a list of what you need
  • numbers or bullet points
  • bossy verbs
  • instructions in order

4. Lastly carefully draw a picture showing one of your instructions and at least one of the items you need to follow your instructions.

I have added a joining words activity on Purple Mash for Anna’s Sports Day for you to complete.

Maths Home Learning

We are going to start maths today by counting in twos.  Please listen to our counting song then list the numbers independently.

Today we are going to be looking at addition and subtraction word problems.  With these we are given information in a sentence and we need to find the numbers to use to then either add or subtract to find the answer needed.  We started looking at these in class, however the important thing to remember is to read the sentence carefully, all the numbers needed will be in the sentence.

First of all please watch the White Rose video:

Here is our activity for today:


Cheeky Challenge: Think of your own word problem and write it down, use pictures on your problem as well.

Topic Home Learning

Today we are going to be looking at an artist called Vincent Van Gogh.  We have looked at Van Gogh before and completed replica drawings of his Starry Night work.

Here is the piece of art we are going to study today:

This is called Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh.  Look at the detail he has used and the different shades of colour.

Here is a fact sheet for you to read:

As you can see, Van Gogh has painted this using a method called impasto, where he has applied thick layers of paint to leave bumps on the paper.  

I would like you to sketch your own version of Van Gogh’s Sunflowers, making sure you sketch the outline carefully.  Next I would like you to paint this using the same impasto method as Van Gogh.  However if you do not have paints please do not worry, instead you can use wax crayons or coloured pencils.  Remember to use the colours (where possible) that Van Gogh has used.

PSHE Home Learning

Today I would like you to think about all the wonderful things about yourself – believe me there are lots of amazing things about each and every one of you!  I would like you to draw or colour a rainbow, then to put a strand of paper or card coming from the bottom.  On each of these you are going to write one wonderful thing about yourself before doing the same on all of the strands.  How many can you think of?

Cheeky Challenge: Ask someone in your household to add a strand with one amazing thing about you that they think you have missed.

Have a good day Lawley, stay well and safe.