Wednesday 22nd April Home Learning

Good morning Lawley,

I hope you are all well.  You are all being missed so much but we absolutely love receiving your work and pictures, so keep them coming!

Happy Earth Day! I have posted separate activities to celebrate Earth Day as a whole school.  These can be found on Lawley news.

Here is our home learning activities for today:

Reading and Phonics

Please continue to read daily, remember you do have book review sheets to complete, I enjoy seeing which books you are enjoying and why.  Today I would like you to complete a set 3 session of Read Write Inc phonics on YouTube, followed by a game of Buried Treasure on Phonics Play, revising all set 3 sounds.

English Home Learning

Following on from finding different instructions, I would like us to focus on verbs today.  A verb is a doing word, a verb is an action of what you or someone is doing:

Today I would like you to list as many verbs as you can.  Your cheeky challenge is to show me a verb, for example laugh = I would take a picture of me laughing.

I have also set further tasks on Anna and the Third Leaf chapter 3 on Purple Mash – a paint project, joining words project and a placing cards ordering project.

Maths Home Learning

Our starter today is:

Today we are recapping on making equal groups through sharing.  Remember this means that the objects that you have need to be shared into groups, making sure that each group is equal – they have the same number of objects.  Here are our activities:

Cheeky Challenge: Access BBC Bitesize and challenge yourself to count in 5s forwards and backwards.  We have practised this in class lots so hopefully you should be confident with this.

Topic Home Learning

Today I would like you to think about your favourite flower.  I would like you to draw and label your favourite flower and write a sentence explaining why this is your favourite flower.  I would like you to think about our five senses and use these in your writing whilst describing your favourite flower.

PSHE Home Learning

Miss Hutson posted a range of PSHE and well-being activities on our class page on Monday.  Today I would like you to choose one of the activities to complete during our PSHE lesson.  I have chosen things I like about me worksheet because it is hard to focus on yourself at the moment so I want to remember the positive things about myself.

Things I Like About Me Self Esteem Worksheet


Have a great day, miss you all and stay well.