Wednesday 24th June Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well.  Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and Phonics

Please complete your daily reading followed by a book review, this let’s me know what you have enjoyed about the book you have read.

Next, please take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics session for today on YouTube. After this, please have a game of Dragons Den on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 4 sounds.

English Home Learning

Remember this week we are having a writing competition based on The Smartest Giant in Town. I want all of Lawley to get involved and there will be a prize of 10 dojo points for the winner, 7 for second place and 5 for third place. Everyone who takes part will receive 2 house points. Each day there will be a different activity for you to complete in order to get prepared for the writing competition over Thursday and Friday.

First of all I want you to listen to the story. If you have this book at home, you can also read this.

Today you are going to think of a song that George will sing every time he gives one of your items to an animal.

Have a look at the one from the book for George and his clothes:

Your animal and item might not rhyme and that is absolutely fine.  However, I want you to be creative with your song, make sure you include your five animals and items, thinking of the order that George will meet them in.  When you have finished you can draw relevant pictures around your song.

Cheeky Challenge: Perform your song and ask someone in your household to record it.  I would love to see them!

Maths Home Learning

We are going to start our maths today by singing our counting in twos song.  When you have done this, please write the numbers up to 100 counting in twos independently.

Today we are going to be looking at comparing numbers.  This is where we use the words and symbols:

  • greater than >
  • less than <
  • equal to =

Please watch the video on the White Rose website.

Here are our activities for today:

Cheeky Challenge: Is Max correct?  Explain the reason for your answer.

Topic Home Learning

On Monday you created a poster based on one of the seabirds.  Today you are going to create a collage.  A collage is where you create a picture and instead of colouring or painting it you add pieces of torn paper or material.  Have a look at these examples:

First of all please sketch your seabird and the setting where the seabird is.  Then create your collage picture by using anything you have at home (asking permission first).  You can use paper, wrapping paper, material, newspaper, cardboard – be creative!

PSHE Home Learning

Today we are going to continue with our staying healthy topic.  Last week we looked at eating well, today we are looking at exercise.

Your first activity is to complete at least one of the virtual sports fortnight activities, remembering to send me your picture.  Then I want you to create your own exercise, something fun and challenging, thinking about all the positive effects exercise has on our bodies.

Have a great day Lawley, stay well and safe.