Wednesday 3rd June Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well.  Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and phonics

Please complete your daily reading then take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics Session on YouTube.  Following this please have a game of Dragons Den on the Phonics Play website.

English Home Learning

Today we are going to continue our work on tongue twisters and rhyming words.  Your first activity is to write a list of rhyming words about the seaside.  An example of sea and bee or sand and band.  Here is a picture of the seaside to help you.

Now I would like you to write your own tongue twister, remembering it is about the seaside and using your rhyming words.  Use your imagination and have fun with it.  I have included some of the tongue twister we looked at on Monday for help.

Cheeky Challenge: Think of a title for your tongue twister making sure it is relevant to your tongue twister.

Maths Home Learning

To start our maths today I would like to you to watch and join in with our counting in 2s song.  After this please write the numbers ups to 100 counting in 2s independently.

Today we are going to be looking at capacity and volume, this is where we measure liquid.  We will be focussing on the words full and empty.  Please watch the video on the White Rose website.

You are now going to use the language and skills learnt in this video to complete our activity today.  Remember to look at the capacity of the liquid carefully.

Cheeky Challenge: Ask an adult to fill up two cups with water.  I want you to draw two cups and mark where the water is.  Then please write a sentence to describe the capacity of both cups.  For example:

The cup is nearly full.

Topic Home Learning

Thinking abut our topic of the seaside, I would like you to plan a visit.  I really enjoy going to the seaside and can not wait to visit once we are allowed to go after this has all finished!

I would like you to plan:

  • which seaside we will visit
  • how will we get there
  • when will we go
  • who will go
  • what activities will we do
  • what will we eat
  • what will we need to wear
  • what will we need to take

Cheeky Challenge: Draw a picture of our trip to the seaside.

PSHE Home Learning

Our theme for PSHE this half term is health living.  Today I would like you to think about what we need to keep healthy at the moment.  All of our lives are very different currently and we have had to change how we live to make sure we keep safe.  I would like you to draw and label my picture showing how you are living healthily at the moment.

Cheeky Challenge: Write a sentence telling me why it is important to stay healthy.

Have a great day Lawley and stay safe.