Wednesday 6th May Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well.  Here are our activities for today.

Reading and Phonics

Complete your daily reading then watch the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics Session on YouTube.  Following this I would like you to play Buried Treasure on Phonics Play.

English Home Learning

Today I would like you to focus on our VE Day celebration tasks.  I would like you to either complete a newspaper report or a radio broadcast based on VE Day.  Have a look at my post on Lawley News or the PowerPoint below:

VE Day

Today I would like you to plan your work.  I want you to carry out the research to find the information you want to include, noting it down in the correct order.  Think about:

  • the events
  • how people are feeling
  • how people will celebrate
  • what happens now?
  • any more information

Tomorrow, depending on which activity you choose, I will attach a template for a newspaper report and let you know how to carry out your radio broadcast.

Cheeky Challenge: How was life back in 1945?

I have set a painting activity and a jigsaw puzzle on Purple Mash relating to Chapter 1 of Anna’s Sports Day.

Maths Home Learning

Today we are going to focus on finding a part.  We find a part when one number is missing – this is the part.  In class we use part whole models and these are used in our learning today.  First I would like you to watch the video on Whiterose:

Next, please complete our activity for today based on finding a part.

Cheeky Challenge: Have a go at our missing numbers addition to 20 activity:

Now listen to our counting in 5s song then independently write these numbers down – up to 100.

Topic Home Learning

Today I would like you to choose a VE Day celebration activity to complete, one that is different to our English task.  Have a look on Lawley News for the activity options and any templates you need.  You might want to create your own bunting, or a flag, you might want to design your own VE Day medal or a WW2 Spitfire.

PSHE Home Learning

This week I would like you select one of the Good to be me activities Miss Hutson has set on Lawley News for PSHE.  I particularly like activity 1 where you draw yourself and list key words about yourself.  Have a look and choose your activity, remembering it is good to be you!

Have a good day Lawley and stay safe.