Wednesday 8th April Home Learning

Good morning Lawley,

I hope you are all well.  Remember, if you have not been in touch with me yet, please do say hi either through Dojo or our class email.  There are lots of you that I have not heard from and I’m missing you all! Our class email is

Remember to continue with your reading at home and phonics practise.

Joe Wicks PE

English Home Learning

Continuing on Purple Mash, I have set a joining words activity based on Chapter 1 of Anna and the Third Leaf, and a paint project.

Maths Home Learning

Below are our Easter Maths challenges, have fun!



Topic Home Learning

I set a challenge on Monday for the next 2 weeks, where I would like you to research famous London attractions.   I have included the map again below, but see Monday’s Home Learning for more information.

Have a good day Lawley and stay safe.