Wednesday 8th July English Home Learning

Good morning Lawley and Caradoc!

I hope you are all well and safe.

Today is our third day of our English competition based on We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen.

To start with please watch the story, or if you have a copy at home, read this with a member of your household. As you are listening to the story, try to join in with your actions, and think about how you would be feeling in each part.


Today we are focusing on feelings.  I would like you to imagine you are on the bear hunt and you are the one traveling through the grass, the forest, the mud, the river, the snow storm and the cave.

There are many different types of feelings we experience, and at times we can have many feelings at one time.  For example when we do a zoom meeting I am excited because I get to see you but I am also feeling nervous about the computer not working.  Here are a few examples of feelings we can experience:

I would like you to draw a picture of each place then describe your feelings in detail for each place in the book, writing in full sentences, remembering to use:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics for spelling
  • finger spaces
  • neat handwriting

You can use the template below or create your own.

Bear Hunt Feelings

Cheeky Challenge: How would you feel finding a real bear in a cave and why?