Lawley’s Week!

We have had a busy week in Lawley! Our week has included making the planets of the Solar System, designing posters to stop the extinction of animals, developing our knowledge of tens and ones up to 100, PE and exploring a range of different objects and the materials they are made from.

Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Odin, for his fantastic determination in his writing and using his phonics.  We were also impressed with Odin’s knowledge of the planets.

All Lawley children now have a reading book in a school book bag. Please ensure your child reads daily and log this in their reading diaries.  Everyone needs to return their school book bag on a a Friday so we can change the reading books. We also have access to bug club, if you are having issues with logging on, please do let me know.

Our weekly spelling test will be on a Friday, with new spellings being sent home on Friday, please ensure your child learns their spellings.

Lawley will be participating in PE on Monday’s and Friday’s, so please send your child to school in their PE kit on these two days.

One final reminder, please send your child to school with a drinks bottle. We are refilling the throughout the day.