Well Done Lovely Lawley and a Happy Summer Break!

Hello Lawley!

We just wanted to say well done to everyone for their fantastic efforts over the last few months, whether you have been at home, in a key worker group or in a bubble. We are extremely proud of each and every one of you.

Also a big thank you and well done to all the parents and carers, you have worked so hard ensuring your child continues with their education. I know it has been hard at times (it has been for me with my two girls, especially with secondary school work!) but we have got through it together.

We hope you all have a lovely, well deserved summer break. Please stay safe, relax and have fun. It would be great if you could read a few times a week and practice your phonics and handwriting regularly just so we can have the best start in September.

Although I am not in school over the summer, I am available through Class Dojo. I may not reply straight away, but I will as soon as I possibly can.

Thank you also for all the beautiful gifts sent into school for myself and Mrs Morgan, we were really touched by your thoughts and kindness, so thank you so very much.

It has been a pleasure working alongside all the children in Lawley and parents and carers. Although we have had a very strange few months and an odd end to the school year, we have so many fond memories of the school year and working with the lovely Lawley. You have all been missed hugely and we can not wait to see you all again in September. We know some of you will not be in Lawley in September, but we will still be able to see each other as you will only be in the next door class.

Thank you, take care and please do have a wonderful summer break.

Love from Mrs Thompstone and Mrs Morgan xxx