Happy Half Term

Thank you to all the children and parents for such an enjoyable first half term.  During our last week children have become more confident with using their phonics in their writing, and we have been learning at add two numbers together in maths.


Lawley have enjoyed our Roar topic this half term, this included a dinosaur coming into our class and left behind an egg for our Stunning Start:


Children then created their own dinosaurs during a junk modelling session for our Marvellous Middle:

Finally, we had an Inspire Afternoon to share our creations and finish our topic by making dinosaur skeleton pictures for our Fabulous Finish.


New spellings have gone home this week and books were changed on Thursday, please continue practising spellings and reading over half term.  I have also ensured children have book allocations on Bug Club.

I hope you all have an enjoyable half term, and I look forward to welcoming Lawley class back on Monday 5th November.

Thank you,

Mrs Thompstone