Home Learning: Wednesday, 6th January 2021

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well and staying safe.  Here is our home learning for today.


Please join in with the set 3 phonics session on the Read Write Inc YouTube page.

Maths Home Learning

Let’s start our maths session by counting to 100.  Join in with the song below, then write down numbers from 0 to100 independently.  Remember to make sure your numbers are the correct way round!

Let’s Get Fit | Count to 100 | Count to 100 Song | Counting to 100 | Jack Hartmann – YouTube

This term we are going to be learning about multiplication and division.  We carry this out by sharing things in equal groups.  Today, we are going to concentrate on recognising equal groups.  

What does equal mean?

Yes, well done, equal means the same, so two equal groups would have the same number of items in them.

Let’s watch the learning video together:

Spr2.1.1 – Recognise equal groups from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Now you have watched the video, have a go at completing the worksheet.  Do not worry about printing the worksheet out, you can complete this on a piece of paper.

06.01.21 Worksheet

Cheeky Challenge:  Have a go at the two cheeky challenge cards below using your knowledge of recognising equal groups.

English Home Learning

To start with, I would like you to spend 1 minute writing down as words as you can think of that rhyme with ‘make’.

Today, we are going to be writing a story based on a picture.  Can you tell me what i expect to see in all our writing?

Yes well done:

  • capital letters
  • finger spaces
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • neat handwriting

Today, I would also like you to use adjectives – describing words, these will make your story sound really interesting!

Look at this picture and think about the following questions:

  • What do you think will happen to the girl with the red balloon? 
  • Where will they go?
  • Why has the girl got a red balloon?

Now it is time for you to write your story.  Your story is going to start from the girl getting the red balloon and what happens next.  Please remember to check the list above for the parts you need to include.  Once you have finished, read through your work to make sure you have included everything and it makes sense before you send it me.  I can not wait to read your stories, you all have such great imagination!

Cheeky Challenge: On the wall it says ‘there is always hope.’  What do you think this might mean?

Art Home Learning

Today, I would like you to create a piece of artwork based on your story from English.  The original picture is of a little girl with a red balloon.  Your picture must show me one part of your story.  You need to include detail, take your time, and if possible, use colour.  The picture I have used is by an artist called Banksy, if possible, research Banksy, then create your picture based on his technique.  Send me a picture of your artwork once complete.