Lawley’s final week!

What a fantastic final week we had in Lawley.  We had sports day, Key Stage One Awards, Year 6 Leavers Assembly, Mrs Williams’ goodbye assembly, Miss Falcao’s wedding party and Holy Trinity’s Got Talent. We have all had a brilliant and busy final week!

This year has been fantastic, with so many brilliant times, which we talked about in class.  I think my favourite moment was watching the children play in the sand on our trip to Rhyl. Mrs Morgan and I would like to thank each and every child for their hard work and determination throughout the year, it has been a joy watching everyone grow and develop.

We would both also like to say thank you for all the wonderful cards, messages and gifts we have received throughout the week.  We hope you have a fantastic and safe summer, and look forward to seeing the children around school in September. Thank you to you all.