Lawley’s Summer Term

Hello Lawley!

I hope you are all well, staying safe and enjoying the Easter break.  I wanted to tell you all what our topic will be Towers, Tunnels and Turrets!  Here is our curriculum map showing you what we will be covering in Lawley over the next half term:

It would be very useful if you could research local castles, find out about how they are built, what life was like living in a castle, and the different jobs within a castle.

Here is a video clip with Barnaby Bear visiting Edinburgh Castle.

Here are some key words we will be learning and using in class over the next half term.  It would be useful to research the meaning of these words.

Finally, here is a recommended book list for our topic.

Enjoy the rest of the Easter break and we are looking forward to seeing you all on Monday, 19th April.